Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why should I have faith in Parliament?

For those who say that the Parliament (including all parties) is supreme, I have the following questions:

  1. This parliament has 4 ministers in Jail and 150 ministers indicted in criminal charges.
  2. The Parliament has not passed a single Private Member’s Bill in 43 years, 97% of the Private member’s bill have never been debated in the parliament. Anna’ team and the people of India have the constitutional right to ask for their version of the bill to be produced and debated. Remember – they have never said that it’s “our way or the highway!” And Anna and his team has the constitutional right to protest if their bill is not introduced.
  3. The Government was the last one after 6 years and 140 countries to ratify the UN Resolution {article 68 (1)} against Corruption, the delay showing complete lack of intention to fight corruption!
  4. The PM having promised that he would take steps to bring back the Black Money in 100 days before the last elections, has not only failed to do so but also found it unnecessary to even communicate or explain the reasons thereof.,,
  5. And a note about pre-drafting and legislative and consultative process that all major democracies such as US, UK, France, Germany, etc., follow: What consultation has taken place before Government Bill was drafted? The government has not consulted interested parties such as trade unions, industry bodies and pressure groups? Other democracies such as UK, US, France, Germany, etc specifies a minimum consultation period of twelve weeks. Has the government published a Green Paper outlining various legislative options before its version of the Bill was drafted?

So Parliament is not supreme – the people are! And we the people of India are educated and understand the complete lack of will and intention on the part of the parliament to fight corruption!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

H1N1 – N95 Masks - Paradox

Gulam Nabi Azad says that wearing N95 Masks cannot protect one from H1N1. Yet, those testing and treating H1N1 patients wear N95! Plus, those with H1N1 also do. How can a common man be sure that the person around him/her does not have H1N1? In most cases even the infected person does not know till he/she really falls sick. The mask acts as a wall between the infected and not-infected. How does it matter who wears it? At the end of the day it reduces the probability of contacting H1N1! Why should we not wear a mask? I fail to understand the logic in Mr. Azad’s statement!!!

My gut feeling says that Mr. Azad knows that the supply of N95 masks is inadequate and is unwilling to work towards increasing the supply of N95 masks. I have had a lot of experience in dealing with government agency and feel that the Health Ministry would rather risk the spread of H1N1 like wild wire than work towards increasing the supply of N95 masks! At the end of the day the ministers and bureaucrats would have access to N95 Masks! How does it matter to the Health Ministry whether the common man is taken care of or not? Isn’t that the real issue?

Friday, November 28, 2008


As an Indian, I have been feeling helpless and angry over whatever has been happening in Mumbai. I shared my experience of various vulnerable points such as DLF Infinity Towers where SECURITY HAS BEEN NON-EXISTENT.

To a lot of us, the following may not be surprising:

- Every person happily side steps the metal detectors right under the noses of the security guards.
- The checking of the cars coming in and out of the office complex is a BIG JOKE.
- Like I did, if you were to question the security personnel, you will be met with complete indifference and even abusive language.

As I shared the above with Dr. Kiran Bedi, the shocking aspect that she shared with me was:


For all of you who work in Gurgaon, the following were DR. KIRAN BEDI’S suggestions:

A- Individually and collectively walk up to the security professional and authorities and demand their best services.
B- Individually and collectively walk up to your HR/Admin and ask them to get the security increased.
C- Conscientiousness on part of every one of us is required; we are responsible for our lives and terrorism will breed in case we remain indifferent.
D- If required, take snaps and video clips from your mobile/other devices to check on the apathy of the security guards and demand accountability.



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bombs that exploded on our face - A reality check!

“Cheat me once, shame on you. Cheat me twice, shame on me.” I heard that from someone long time back, and yes it still hurts. Yes, as a nation we might as well say the same line to our politicians, but if we feel that they might get hurt enough to act, well we would be naïve. For we have been cheated quite a few times and well nothing really has happened.

If there is an undertone of sarcasm and pessimism in the first paragraph, it is because that is my state of mind. It is because ‘we Indians’ (I hate using this phrase) characterized by our lethargy and indifference (‘chalta hai’ attitude) coupled with the fact that we are as corrupt as our politicians are, have given a safe haven for terrorism to flourish. The term ‘we Indians’ includes me and I am as responsible as are the rest of us.

Let me begin with a few examples of egregious neglect by the authorities concerned. All of us must have heard the news about the CCTV cameras at Karol Bag NOT WORKING. Also, the CCTV cameras at Cannaught Place (CP) were installed to observe, not record. Does this surprise you? No, I guess not as government authorities are just living up to their image of being impotent! However, for the naïve, let me sight the next example that will elaborate how our system works against the safety of common people.

This example was narrated to me by a CEO of an engineering company who I met on one of my business calls. As you maybe aware, as per government specifications every shop and public place such as cinema halls is supposed to be fitted with water sprinklers. The law is strict and if implemented would have augured well in case of tragic events such as Uphaar Cinema case where so many innocent lives were lost. One would imagine that lessons would have been learnt from the Uphaar Cinema case. However, the reality is that status quo exists. The CEO was on a business call with the owner of a public place that was supposed to fit water sprinklers to adhere with the government notification. During the discussions meant to finalize the terms and conditions, the owners demanded a margin and insisted that the engineering company need not install functional sprinklers and can rather just install a cheap version that need not work. In return, the persons concerned demanded a hefty margin. They gave two hoots about precious lives that maybe lost in case of a fire. The industrialized refused to do the work under such conditions not only because it would have been unethical, but also because he did not want to face responsibility the way Ansal Brothers did in the Uphaar Cinema case. (Though I am confident that the Ansal Brothers will walk scout free, just as the likes of Sanjay Dutt)

So in case you are wondering how and why the CCTVs installed at Karol Bag were not working, the case above will tell you why! Someone would have made riches at the cost of innocent lives that were lost.

It is important to have strict laws, rules, and regulations, but at the same time perhaps it is more important to that they are implemented properly. It is the implementation and not only formation of laws that will result in tackling the menace of terrorism. A case in point would be the example about the Indian drivers who flock to the Middle-East in search of better quality of life. These drivers, who on Indian roads are nothing less than merchants of death, mellow down when they drive in the Middle-Eastern countries. The same drivers, who break traffic rules with impunity in India, suddenly adhere to every rule and regulation in the Middle-East. It is surely not because of stricter rules and regulations in the Middle-East, but because of stricter implementation. As a result the drivers are aware that not adhering to rules will result in heavy penalty. It is important that we have laws that are sacrosanct and that the authorities responsible for their implementation have the powers to implement them without interference from the bureaucracy and the politicians. However, we all know that neither the bureaucracy, nor the politicians have the will to act.

To conclude, you and I can keep cribbing to our graves, but unless we thinkers become doers and start demanding action from the authorities concerned, nothing really is going to change. Our politicians and bureaucrats are a reflection of us as it is we who have voted them in power (ideal term should be responsibility). Sadly, they cheat us more than the terrorists bomb us. The worst part is that there is a little (sadly in many cases big) politician in all of us!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Animal Ancestry of Man

If Darwin were alive today, it would have been a cakewalk for him to prove the animal ancestry of man! That is, if Darwin were to use Indian subjects such as personalities from Indian media who are a part of the new genre of reality shows and so-called talent hunts.

Before I get into the flow and let my thoughts take over, let me forewarn the reader (as I always do) that I will speak my mind and therefore if I seem to cross the line, it will be because I intended to do so! For those like me, who cringed at the sight of a 16 year old girl being hectored by so-called ‘responsible’ adults, it is time to introspect and investigate the root cause of such animalistic behavior on part of the judges.

Yes, the Shinjhini Sengupta incident has sparked off a National debate regarding the sanctity of so-called talent hunts and reality shows. When the judges of a dance show (telecast in a Bengali TV channel) rebuked a 16 year old girl with impunity, they betrayed the basic essence of a human being, i.e., being humane. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the episode is that, may be we are the closest link to the apes. After all, have we not aped the West in every aspect? Was it not enough that we copy the concept of hit shows such as ‘Dancing with the stars: Nach Balliye’, ‘American Idol: Indian Idol’, ‘Are you smarter than a 5th Grader? : Kya aap panchvi pass se tez hain?’ etc? Did we really need to ape the Western/America essence and should we not have at least made these shows more Indian?

To answer most of the questions above, let me point out the root cause of such vituperative remarks by the judges of various talent/reality shows that has become a commonplace. The name is Cowell, Simon Cowell! Who you ask? Mr. Simon Cowell is one of the three judges of the hit FOX musical reality series; The American Idol. Despite all the talent on display, it is Mr. Cowell’s harsh putdowns of the participants that viewers look forward to. The popularity of the show lies in the sadist pleasure that a majority of the audience derives from the humiliation that some of the participants face. This is not just my opinion, but a conclusion that can be derived from pure numbers. More than 23 million viewers follow American Idol (and some Indians on Star World) and Simon Cowell is one of the highest paid Television personalities in the US. I am sure that most of our Indian judges would have done an Anu Malik, i.e. aped Mr. Cowell to pump up the TRP ratings of their respective shows. The term ‘aped’ is what made me ruminate; is there any reality/talent shows that we have not aped from the West? Did the conduct of the judges and their curt remarks to a 16 year old find its roots in Indian culture? At least for the latter question, I can say a firm ‘NO’! However, sadly that only makes me conclude a firm ‘YES’ for the former question.

Perhaps some of us (so-called human beings) are still evolving and have been fooled by our physical resemblance to the most advanced of the species. For what else can justify our animalistic instincts? We have been aping everything Western: movies, lifestyle, culture, etc.

Nothing comes closer to proving the animal ancestry of man than ‘The Roman Colosseum (originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre) that has witnessed some of the bloodiest battles between exotic animals and between gladiators and wild animals, with the latter being the most popular. Now, let me juxtapose the events witnessed at the Colosseum with what we regularly witness in the so-called reality/talent shows. The similarity is quite striking as you might conclude from below:

  1. Gladiators were people who had to fight against their will as mostly they were prisoners of war who were given the choice to fight or be slaves. Juxtapose that with today’s participants of the reality/talent shows and at the first instance one would feel that sure they have a choice! Or do they? In the cut throat competition that we experience today in every field as a result of abundance of talent or due to problems of plenty, these shows become a platform to get noticed. Often, for this reason the likes of Shinjhini Sengupta will find themselves performing in a Colosseum like atmosphere, ready to be taken apart by the exotic animals, i.e., the judges.

  1. The few Gladiators, who managed to survive, enjoyed great popularity. History tells us that women would pay large sums of money so that they could spend a night of passion with one of the Gladiators. Juxtapose that with the popularity (minus the part about women for I cannot vouch for that) that the likes of Abhijit Sawant (of the Indian Idol fame) enjoy. Surely there is no harm in that.

  1. The defeated gladiator (often wounded and on the brink of unconsciousness) would plea for merci. The audience at the amphitheatre shouted either in favor of the Gladiator’s plea to let him live or in favor to put him to death. The emperor would have the final say on whether the Gladiator lives of whether he is put to death. Juxtapose that with what a participant faces at the end of a performance; often wounded by the judges, a participant would plea to the audience to vote for him/her in order to live to fight another day.

With the passage of time, the civil society abandoned those parts of the games that included the death of humans. However, history seems to be repeating itself and today Colosseums are replaced by grand stages and the exotic animals by judges such as Simon Cowell. The judges (likes of Cowell) wounded Shinjhini to such an extent that she suffered a paralytic attack. Surely man has evolved to a stage where such acts on the part of the judges will be condemned equivocally.

Surely we have left behind the animal ancestry of man and become human beings. Or have we?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

August 15, 1947 – Independence Day - Is it sixty plus or minus years of development for the Indian Society?

I have often wondered about the significance of Independence Day that we Indians celebrate on August 15. The National Flag is hoisted and there is sense of pride that is pervasive across India amongst every Indian (that is what we like to believe). Yes, it is a matter of pride to achieve freedom after 200 years from a foreign power! Perhaps it was a day of graduation for Indians; from second class citizens to just plain citizens of India. The ruling government at the centre was for the people, of the people, and by the people. Democracy was to be the foundation of free India. India was to be a progressive nation characterized by equality of status for every Indian. My question to the reader is, “As an individual, do we feel equal?”

The incidents of recent past have made me ruminate and question the very essence of Independence that we Indians take for granted. Be it the incident of Raj Thakrey pandering to the difference of race and sect, or be it the questionable decision in favor of reservation for the OBC at various educational institutes. All this has been happening with the acquiescence of the common man (or woman) and unfortunately as Indians, we have become impervious to such incidents. We will seethe in anger but will remain reticent. If at all, there will be a smattering of protest that will eventually die down due to the lack of leadership. Such a tepid response to issues of National significance will have an insidious and long lasting effect! It is this fatalist attitude that has contributed towards fermenting many issues that will have virulent repercussions in times to come.

No incident has captured the attention of whole of India as the issue of reservation of 27% seats for the OBC. The opponents to the system (including me) have called it “Death of merit” and the proponents of the system have called it “Fair and just”. At this point I will not delve into the merits of the system as it should be a totally different article that should be presented after proper research. However, my question is whether such decisions are creating a divide in the society? My personal observation is that it will have an adverse impact on the concept that is the foundation of India; Unity in diversity. The smattering of egregious incidents (as a reaction to reservation) that the media has not reported in National interest is the presage that we should take a note of. The resentment amongst those who lost out (General Category) and the cracks in our society is real and palpable. The presage should be clear enough for the politicians to abstain from promulgating the proposal of reservations for SC/ST/OBC in the professional world. Not only will it be a social disaster, but also an economic disaster. In 60+ years of independence, successive governments have failed to create the much required infrastructure in the education sector and now the UPA has sought to atone for that inaction by adopting short cut methods that are to the detriment of one section of the society. Rest assured the next government at the centre will indulge in one-upmanship and implement reservation in jobs.

The incident involving Raj Thakrey highlights that our politicians have taken a few lessons from history. They seem to have adopted the strategy popularized by the British; Divide and Rule. The concept that Maharashtrians are ethnic Mumbaikars and North Indians and Biharis are the dregs of their society seems to be a perfect strategy to promulgate a struggling political party. However, the proponents should remember that the Divide and Rule strategy adopted by the British created a Pakistan. The need of the hour was strong condemnation of Raj Thakrey and his goons by the central government and the Supreme Court. In some of the Middle Eastern countries, prosecution by handing out a death sentence would not have been far fetched. Sadly, in India, far from prosecution, Mr. Thakrey seems to be basking in glory and walking around with his head held high for what he seems to have achieved; market his party. Does he care about the virulent repercussions of his statements in the short and the long run? I don’t think so! Will at least the Mumbaikars (so called ethnic Mumbaikars and others) condemn the acts in the best possible way by uniting and voting out Mr. Thakrey and his likes? I surely hope so! That will perhaps reflect backbone (or the lack of it) of the Indian society.

A look back at the British rule and we will find that despite all the fallacies, they attempted to take the Indian society forward. Their efforts in abolishing the Sati system and child marriage, support of education for girls, implementing railway system, etc would be some of the examples. Juxtapose that with the recent reservations based on caste, lack of progress in the education sector, ruling by a court in favor of Sati system, etc, and the contrast will be clear; Indian society is in a rewind mode.

To conclude, let us introspect and honestly answer a question, “Has the Indian Society progressed from what it was as of August 15, 1947?” In my opinion, our rulers have pressed the rewind button. I just hope that someone will find the remote and press the STOP button and maybe even press the fast forward button!
Jai Hind!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Do we know the Shoaib Akhtars of the world?

Yes, I know the Shoiab Akhtars of the world! Perhaps, at some point all of us have know them, worked with them, and tolerated their eccentricities. They are perhaps the most consummate professionals and perceived as an indispensable asset for an organization. At the same time they are also known to be a true curmudgeon and are vituperative towards the subordinates and colleagues alike. However, the management will overlook all the negative attributes just because they are perceived as a star performer who is supposed to take the organization forward towards the achievement of its goals. My question to the reader is whether an organization is justified in pampering the Shoaib Akhtars of the world or should it repudiate such characters?

In my opinion (based on my limited experience), such so called ‘Star Performers’ are known to have a deleterious effect on an organization. Let me elaborate my opinion by defining a paradigmatic Shoiab Akhtar that we encounter in our professional life. In a sales organization, a Shoaib Akhtar would consistently achieve/surpass his targets. He would crack all the big ticket accounts, make the maximum incentive, and demand the highest increment. He will negotiate the best discount for his customers, do away with maintaining the sales process, and always be late for work. Also, he will keep the HR on its toes as a result of his never ending demands of recognition; monetary and otherwise. On a lighter note, in all probability, his system password will be ‘iamthebest’.

So why would the Shoaib Akhtars of the professional world have a deleterious effect on an organization and its stakeholders? After all, they are star performers and maybe it is justified that are valued accordingly. At this point I will pose a question to you (the reader); in your professional experience, would you say that a Shoib Akhtar takes an organization forward towards the achievement of its goals? After all that is what an organization expects! Let me pose a few more questions that may strike a chord with you (the reader).

Q-1: How does a Shoaib Akhtar react to success?
A-1: In all probability, he belittles his subordinates and colleagues alike

Q-2: How does a Shoaib Akhtar react to an occasional failure?
A-2: In all probability, he blames others (his boss, subordinates, x-colleagues, unreasonable clients, etc) and everything else (the economy, the product/service, etc) rather than introspect.

Q-3: What does a Shoaib Akhtar do in case of a burnout?
A-3: In all probability he pollutes the office environment with his tantrums. He pulls down every upcoming star performer whom he would view as a threat, and badmouths the very top management and the HR organization that was desperate to appease him.
Q-4: What does a Shoaib Akhtar do when all avenues of blaming others are exhausted and he moves on to the next organization which considers itself ‘lucky’ to have hired a star performer?
A-4: He moves on with his baggage of frustrations and again badmouths his x-organization, x-boss, x-colleagues, amongst others.

To conclude, I will take a stand that it is prudent to let go of a star performer, no matter how brightly he shines. I was impressed by the PCB as it realized that Shoaib Akhtar is doing more harm than good to the team. He was not taking the Pakistani Cricket Team forward. The Shoaib Akhtars of the world are continually insolent and the world of cricket and indeed the professional world alike are better off without such characters!